News & Updates Archive

Thank you so much to Mariela for sending a ton of pictures my way!! You made me one happy website owner. :)

I selected and posted in the Gallery a smattering of the ones that I'm hoping are OK to share (e.g., not copyrighted by a news service, etc.). I'm not sure about the original sources for most of them, unfortunately. Some seem to have come from old eBay listings; a few might be from Movie Stills Database. The others, I'm not sure about, and Google image searches don't yield any helpful results. I'm thinking maybe a few are sourced from the long gone but very much missed FOREVER MOORE Dudley Moore fan website, but I just don't know.

Basically, I don't want to step on any toes or not give credit where it is very much due - so please please please let me know via email if you are the source of any of these images and if you want me to take 'em down or leave 'em up!

Comedy fans all over are mourning the sad and sudden loss of Garry Shandling, who passed away on March 24. Martin Lewis recalls in a Huffington Post article ("Garry Shandling, Larry Sanders and Bernie Sanders...") that Peter Cook counted himself as a Shandling enthusiast:

[Shandling] was always tickled knowing that one of his early heroes - the legendary British comic Peter Cook - was a big fan of his It's Garry Shandling's Show. I recall that Peter once delayed a script meeting he and I were due to have with HBO in NYC just so Peter could have an extra day in L.A. to hang with Garry. Genius knew genius...

Renaissance guy Lewis worked with Cook a bunch - like on the three Secret Policeman's Balls that Cook performed in - and champions the legacy of the great man, like with the memorial tribute to Cook he organized in 1995 (Bedazzling!). (And this Huffington Post piece!)

RIP Garry Shandling. As Lewis concludes, "I guess Garry and Peter now have more time to hang out together..."

This website has now been online for ten years! Ten years. Here's to many many more years of whatever it is this site does! :) My favorite part of running this site has been hearing from and connecting with fellow Cook fans. Basically, Cook fans are the best.

New layout up - everything should be working correctly, but if not, lemme know and I'll see what's what.

I drew up a new "About Peter Cook" page. I'd been meaning to write a new page for a while; I wrote the original one when I started up this site. (Ten years ago!) To be quite honest, that "About" page was terrible. Wasn't very engaging, I got some details wrong (unforgivable), and it just wasn't a very good thing at all. So, hopefully this new page gets the Cook deets across and is also a little more fun to read. As I said, hopefully. (But do please lemme know if I goofed up something on this write-up, too!)

Hope all of ya out there in Cook fan land are having a good start to 2016!

Got a question for all you Derek and Clive nuts out there! I received an email from a D&C fan looking to make a pilgrimage of sorts to the building featured on the cover of Derek and Clive Come Again. (Well, maybe not a pilgrimage - more like go there and take a pic. Close enough.)

Please, if anyone knows where the Derek and Clive Come Again cover building is located, email me. Your help would make a Derek and Clive fan very happy indeed!! Thanks thanks thanks! :)

Aw yeah! Jay Richardson of Chortle reports that a new Peter Cook documentary is in the works for the BBC, by Dudley Moore: After The Laughter doc maker Victor Lewis-Smith and Lin Cook. Excitingly, Lewis-Smith tweeted that there's "now just that little matter of going through 1000+ of Peter's home movies, audio tapes.. etc. Tough life." Looking forward to seeing what they come up with!!

With the recent reissue of the Derek and Clive albums, it's been neat to see Cook and Moore popping up in articles that reevaluate their work together and, naturally, reaffirm the greatness of it. So here's another: an article by Michael Bonner - titled "Peter Cook and Dudley Moore's Derek and Clive albums reassessed..." - was posted on Uncut magazine's website on September 28.

Fiona Sturges reminisces about her intro to Derek & Clive and wonders "how Derek and Clive would fare today" in a July 18 article posted to The Independent. A snippet:

You might assume that, 42 years after the first recordings, the sketches would seem tame, early exercises in gross-out comedy whose shock factor had worn off. In fact, the feeling of subversion persists. ... In 2015 Pete and Dud are still gleefully pushing boundaries and breaking taboos.

And in a great August 2 piece for The Guardian, Andrew Harrison delves into the origins and success of Derek & Clive and answers the question of how the duo would fare today with his own humorously hashtagged observation that "there isn't enough #problematic in the world to cover Derek and Clive." Lobsters up the bum: #justderekandclivethings.

As reported on Uncut mag's website, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore's dirty duo Derek and Clive are back! (Well, not actually back in the physical, living sense, but close enough. Sorry if I got your hopes up.)

A 5-CD set from Universal Music Catalogue, tastefully titled A Right Pair Of C****: The Complete F****** Derek & Clive, will be released on July 31 that Uncut tells us includes:

Derek and Clive (Live) (1976), Derek and Clive Come Again (1977), and Derek and Clive Ad Nauseam (1978) as well as Rude & Rare The Best of Derek and Clive (2011).


Start your 2015 off right by celebrating Peter Cook's life and legacy! January 9 marks 20 years since his death, but you won't feel sad, only cheery, if you do yourself the best favor of reading John Hind's excellent "Remembering Peter Cook: Family and friends - including Keith Richards, Ronnie Wood, and Bruce Forsyth - share their stories" over at The Independent.

Just do it. Click the link and do it. Do it. It's so good.


If you have a mo' and feel like it, do share your own Peter Cook story (via email, and I'll post it here). How did you become a fan? What's your favorite thing he did? What's your fave one-liner, or whole sketch? Or, get philosophical about it: why are you a fan?

Me? It's easy to say I'm a fan, but it's really hard for me to adequately define why. Here's my crack at it: I'm a fan because whether I guffaw or ugly laugh or giggle or chuckle at Cook's work, those guffaws and ugly laughs and giggles and chuckles are ones of pure happiness at pure funniness. His comedy was effortless and remains the easiest thing ever to fall in love with and laugh at like a total idiot. No matter the sketch, movie, appearance, or even song, Cook sweeps ya up into whatever yarn he's spinning, and you can't stop (don't wanna stop) watching/listening/reading.

The first thing I saw him in was The Black Adder, as King Richard III. I was 12. I'm 28 now, and I still quote stuff he said in that episode. I didn't even know who Peter Cook was then. He was just funny. I must admit that I only started really paying attention cuz I saw Cook in Bedazzled and liked what I saw (I mean, I was 17, and we've all seen him in that movie, right?), but now that I'm not so young and stupid (just older and stupid), I keep going back to that flawfree King Richard performance as one of my fave Cook turns. That's why I'm a fan. Peter Cook is just funny.

OK, so now, your turn! Here is a fantastic fan account from Gloria!

HI! you suggested I'd share my cook story, here I go, are you ready? good. Well I first saw him about the place when I got into Monty Python in 2011, then I brought the Bedazzled DVD (best Idea I had since the hot dog sandwich with cheese and olives) but I really got into him last year when I found out he had children, which for some odd reason I didn't know. Until then I saw him as a cynical hilarious funniest man in history that could take somebody apart with his wit. BUT after I found out he was a loving and wonderful father of two daughters I really got interested in him.

Wow you can make paragraphs, I didn't know that. Nice. Yes anyway, I watched and still watch all I can get my hands on and I make tons and tons of screencaps which means I really like the fellow. Also I brought the thingy "Sadly I was an only Twin" which is highly recommendable! So yes. That's that. I also developed a slight passion for bees, but they are just great you can't really help it.

Thanks, Gloria!! :) marks the 16th anniversary of Peter Cook's death with a collection of his 10 funniest lines, in the process proving that "no other comedian can hold a candle to Peter Cook."

Also, check out the excellent No solo Peter Cook sino tambien Dudley Moore - a blog from Argentina celebrating everyone's favorite double-act. :)

Be sure to tune in to BBC2 on July 11 at 10 PM for Pete & Dud: The Lost Sketches, a 60-minute special featuring Jonathan Ross and friends recreating sketches from the Not Only... But Also programs that were erased by the BBC in the '70s. (erroneously using a pic from Not Only But Always!) reports that archive footage and interviews will be also be featured. Exciting stuff! :)

The extremely talented Robert Jenkins kindly linked me to his fab painting of Peter Cook & Dudley Moore (scroll down or ctrl+f - or whatever your browser equivalent is! - "Robert Jenkins"), which was on display in June at a degree show at Wimbledon College of Art. Have a look - it's great stuff! :D

Just a silly side note - there are all these "fuckyeah" accounts ("") that are devoted to posting content related to one subject - like cat macros - or a band, like The Beatles, or one person, like Stephen Colbert. So I thought I'd join in the fun with! It's not meant to replace this site - it's just a fun hodgepodge of random Cook-related pics and things. Take a look! :)

Goodness gracious! Alan Bennett said in a recent interview that he thinks Peter Cook and Jackie Kennedy had an affair in the '60s, though Wendy Cook has said previously that she doesn't think anything beyond "flirtations" occurred. Read more about this story here, here, and here.

Thanks a bunch to harymaverick on LiveJournal for letting me know that Australian comedians Stephen Curry and Shaun Micallef will be performing early Peter Cook and Dudley Moore sketches on stage in a show called Good Evening at Sydney Opera House in December. Australian fans, get your tickets here! Also, read what Stephen Curry said about the show in an interview on

New old Cook picture alert! :) I got a Google Alert for an article about photographer John Bulmer, whose work is being celebrated in an exhibition in Hereford. In the article it is noted that his portraits of people like Peter Sellers and Peter Cook are not going to be featured in the exhibition, but you can view them on his website. Bulmer's 1960 Peter Cook portrait can be seen here. It's a wonderful photo and I think it really captures Peter Cook's sense of humor in picture form! :)

Peter Cook has been in the news of late! :) A new plaque commemorating Cook was unveiled at The Establishment in February. Read more about the event, which was attended by Wendy Cook and current Private Eye editor Ian Hislop among others, on the BBC website and Hampstead Highgate Express.

Also in the news - Peter Cook and Dudley Moore's Derek and Clive album Derek And Clive Live almost got the two prosecuted, according to papers newly released this week by the National Archives. Read more in The Guardian, The Telegraph, and NME (which features a user comment declaring our Pete to be "a comedy genius... a bloody hero!" - quite right, too!)

The Rise And Rise Of Michael Rimmer has been released - yay! I have written a review of it - click here to read. Screenshots will be added to the gallery soon! :)

My apologies for the lack of updates! Things have been pretty quiet in Cook-land for awhile though, so no harm done! ;)

Here's some nifty news - Peter Cook's 1970 film, The Rise And Rise Of Michael Rimmer, is finally being released on DVD by DigitalClassicsDVD! Extras include Director's Commentary, Picture Gallery, and Original Film Poster, and the movie has also been digitally remastered. Mark your calendars: it hits shops June 25, 2007! You can pre-order it at Amazon, too.

As always, please let me know if you have any ideas you'd like to see on the site!